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7 Worst Feng Shui Mistakes to Avoid
Feng shui is a Chinese philosophical system used to harmonize the surroundings. One of the five arts of Chinese Metaphysics, it is closely linked to Taosim. Feng Shui is widely used to orient the buildings and spiritually significant structures. These days this practice has gained momentum and people are employing the Feng Shui objects to beautify and harmonize their homes. “Chi” or “Energy” is the basis of this now widely practiced system. The importance of positive energy flow has already been depicted and emphasized upon strongly in Vaastu Shastra. As you can see in many of our Vaastu Shastra articles, there is a specific place of each of the five elements – fire, water, earth, ether and air. As per Feng Shui your surroundings must be vibrant, personalized and lit up with positivity so as to invite great abundance, love, happiness and good health. Read Also: Vastu for Entrance Main Door However in an effort to attract positive chi, you might commit a teeny meeny mistake that could horribly disturb the harmonious Chi flow and create a serious imbalance of universal energy. Here, we are going to introduce some of the most common mistakes that people often commit without realizing what went wrong while decorating the interiors.
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