Aries zodiac sign is the first sign of the zodiac cycle, journeying into the fire element, Aries is the symbolically newborn soul that projects a positive, masculine vibration. By being born under the fiery vitality of Aries planetary ruler, Mars, Arians naturally possess strong sense of purpose and dive into the experiences of life with great zeal. Aries men and Aries women are strong and powerful characters of the zodiac. Ruled by planet Mars, these people live life by courage and are straightforward by nature.

One can notice an Aries man easily when he leads everyone with his exceptional leadership skills and face the challenges head long. An Aries man with his heart-tugging innocence and wide eyed wonder but with a raw courage can make any woman swoon over him.

Since astrologically, Aries rules the physical appearance, Aries women are the self-conscious Rams, who are ultra-concerned and somewhat vain about how they look.

However their fear and hesitation about their looks is in no way, a reflection on Aries courage. Because, if you think so, then, wait, till you watch her recognition effortlessly in her business world and slay down her criticizers.

Since astrologically, Aries rules the physical appearance, Aries women are the self-conscious Rams, who are ultra-concerned and somewhat vain about how they look. However their fear and hesitation about their looks is in no way, a reflection on Aries courage. Because, if you think so, then, wait, till you watch her win recognition effortlessly in her business world and slay down her criticizers.

Aries by all means are charmers for they do everything in their own unique way. Certainly they are smart, intelligent, witty communicators (though not as witty as the Gemini) and spontaneous not caring for the consequences that distinguishes them from others.

Aries Personality Traits

One of the most remarkable Aries personality traits is that they trust, that is to say – blindly trust! The second most loved Aries characteristic is their generous impulsive nature. These Mars-ruled souls are just about always ready to give more than may be needed of their time, money, love, trust, loyalty and everything else. But if cheated on or deceived, don’t forget that they will charge at you just as they charge ahead head first at life just more angrily! If you survive this, then there will be nothing more to have, since they will have gone, perhaps forever.

When it comes to money, owing to their admiration for their loved ones, innocence and childlike wonder and excitement, Rams are not suspicious, or cautious, about spending. So, it is quite easy for them to be oversold and overcharged. Even after all the money is gone, they would find it petty to fret over the loss. Why? Because, the Mars idea about money is that when money disappears, more is gonna manifest, in one way or another and that too soon! See, that’s the childlike wonder for life and a blind trust on universe providence!

Aries Personality They Come in Types

Generally, there are two types of Aries Personality  the typical extroverted Arians with big egos who flaunt their love of life everywhere they go, and the sheep-type Aries people, whose Mars egos have been, sadly crushed in childhood, so, they control their natural exuberance behind an unnatural introversion which might at first look like a Piscean one. Yet, since they are Mars ruled souls, so, any bad act of yours might flare up their half-asleep egos.

Something to Remember about Aries Men and women

The Ram Way of Life:

People who have lived with an Aries man or an Aries woman often say that  Aries people have a particular way about them. We can say a subtle charm. Truly, they do have, and that’s their own Ram Way. Often, hidden under their pompous raging way of living life are the warm generosity and a desperate need to be appreciated and loved. Since, their guileless innocence and a sense of wonder have cost them more than enough deceptions and treachery, they become quite selfish, aggressive and thoughtless rams!

In this cruel world, the heart-tugging innocence and wonder, blind faith and raw courage of the Arians often turn into selfish egotism, aggressiveness, thoughtlessness, and impulsive action having no regard for the consequences.

For an Aries soul, Love is like a necessity of life. Therefore, Arians often expect devotion, love and admiration from their folks and joyously accept all of it, and yet know not how to return any of it. Aries demands Love, just like the infant; and without Love, the soul of Aries dies.

Just the hint of emotional abandonment can bring on an unreasonable panic, quaking terror, in any Aries man or Aries woman, which is calmed only by quiet reassurances. Nothing appeases Arians than the hope of miracle…

Aries Zodiac Sign Characteristics:


However, these very positive shining qualities can turn into soaring ram’s weaknesses:

Aries Personality Weakness:



Aries Zodiac Sign Personality Nature:

Aries are quite independent in nature. They are moody and can often make decisions on the basis of their whims and fancies. Being ruled by Mars, they are not to be led by others, but can lead any team and have their own ways.

Aries possess a strong sense of business and turn up into brilliant, shining entrepreneurs. However, they might lose interest in the business if they do not gain success soon.

Aries Zodiac Sign Personality Careers:

The fearless, aggressive, hard working and ideological nature of Arians often leads them into law enforcement fields like law, army, marines etc. Add to that their fiery leadership qualities; they make for grand leaders of the world.

Since Aries souls possess a miraculous, wonder for life, a creative bent of mind and free-spirited soul, they succeed in the fields of fine arts and crafts. They make talented and successful beauticians, painters, hairdressers and even carpenters and sculptors.

Aries Zodiac Sign Personality in Love and Marriage:

One thing is for sure that you would never be bored if you are in love with an Aries. An Aries man with his fire like passion and zeal for life loves his woman with all his mind, body and heart. He will lay down his whole world at her feet, but in return will demand loads of love, tenderness of heart and admiration.

Similarly, a fiercely independent, bright and clever Aries girl will love her man with an ardent heart and raw passion. Even though she is a natural born leader and is highly ambitious, she will be willing to keep all of it aside to be with her man and join his personal goals, forgetting her own.

What can we say if it is not the surrender of an innocent heart? An Aries woman will blossom beautifully in the arms of her man should he give her enough space to be her own self the independent, a kind, guileless soul but with a fire in heart!

Aries Personality Traits: An Epitome Of Raw Courage And Pure Innocence -

Aries Personality Traits: An Epitome Of Raw Courage And Pure Innocence